Monday 4 January 2016

2016, the starting line.

okay so this is a bit unfamiliar for me to say— but yes, I'm turning eighteen this year! EIGHTEEN! phew such a scary number. cause being eighteen mean, I am free from school and it's all about university now. yes, that's scared me! I'm going to face the real world and people would no longer be easy on me. everything is going to change and I, yasmin rosly have to swallow it.

I've been thinking a lot lately about my future. what will I do for a living? where should I go to pursue my dreams? what course suits me? will I be happy if I choose my passion over others? will I do well? what if I fail in the middle? what if there's nothing I'm good at? what if I ended up making my parents upset of me? um these questions are endless actually. they always lingering on my mind for quite some times to the point that I just want to cry my heart out and not think about it.

but of course, I can't control myself. the questions keep coming by itself. and I don't want to ruin my future just yet (haha¿) in fact— I want to do well. I want my children (if I get to marry someday) to be proud of their mum. I want them to see me as a close example to not ever give up on life. I want them to know that every hardship comes success (lols it sounds funny somehow) I want them to say to me that I'm the best mum in the world. and I want them to feel like it's worth it to work hard whenever they're thinking of me. yes that kind of thing.

so in order to make it a reality, I have to work hard now. I have to be very careful in making decisions for my life. no looking back. and that's for the best.

I've always love in writing. it just amazes me everytime, that words could give a big impact on us. so I was thinking maybe I should take tesl or linguistic and become a teacher, one of the most noble job on earth! but being a normal kid, I've always wanted to further my studies oversea just like my sisters (yes they are my biggest inspiration ever) but this dream of mine seems to be blurry cause this course really have a least opportunity to get scholarship oversea. we, malaysian could learn it just fine here. we don't need those international lecturers to teach us. we ourselves could provide such a good education for it. so maybe I don't get to study oversea like what I wanted. yes, of course I'm sad and all but I remember my mother once said,

"fina, kalau bukan sekarang mungkin masa nak ambil master nanti ke? so rilek je okay jangan putus asa,"

she simply told me that if I miss the chance now, inshaAllah there will be another chance coming up later. so just relax and don't ever think of giving up.

her words that moment really ease me a lot, I'm so thankful for having her as my mother. she knows how to make her daughter feels happy again. um thank you so much, mak! oh yeah forgot to mention— my mother is actually a teacher (her husband as well haha) so maybe I'll be the third one later? inshaAllah, pray for me you guys!

"keep going, you're doing good,"

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